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  • Brigitta Karelis, M.A., LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor               in the State of Colorado.


  • She completed a Diplom (equivalent to an MA) in Paedagogik at Philipps University in Marburg, in her native country, Germany, in 1991.


  • Moved to Boulder, Colorado, in 1994 and completed an M.A. in  Somatic Psychology at Naropa University in 1997.


  • Has maintained a private practice in Boulder, Colorado, since 1997.


  • Has been teaching for the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute in the US, Mexico, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, beginning in 1999.

  • Served as adjunct faculty at Naropa University from 2000 until 2012.


  • Led workshops on Trauma and Boundaries, and on Vicarious Trauma.


  • Co-hosted "Coping with Community Trauma: A Free Workshop for Those Affected by the Aurora Tragedy", with Pat Ogden, in 2012.


  • Presented "Creating a Supportive Environment - Recognizing Signs of Traumatization and Fostering Integration" at the Wardenburg Health Center, University of Colorado, in 2017.


  • Has worked with many kinds of trauma, including the deep pain that can come from misrecognition: standing strong in your goodness, truth, and dignity, when faced with bias and negative projections.


  • Outside of her therapeutic practice, she has worked with young adults, political refugees, in elder care, and with hospice patients.


  • In November 2017 she received a request for information and guidance for someone who had been injured in a crowd and wrote a letter to them. In November 2018, after the shooting in Thousand Oaks, California, she decided to make this information public. You may read the "Letter to a Survivor of a Recent Trauma" here.


  • Through allowing even the most painful experiences with presence, heart, and skill, healing and transformation can naturally unfold. Obstacles and difficulties become fuel for deepening and growth, and life becomes a meaningful path. Help on this path is essential.




You can contact me here for a free introductory meeting.

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